I first started donating in 2016…I came across people who made bad remarks about the donating my eggs but that never stopped me because all I ever wanted to do was to help someone out there whose in need of my help, it’s been an amazing journey for me am saddened it has finally come to an end but it’s truly been amazing am just happy I was able to help others.. I loved donating and I’d still love to continue helping out if possible.nothing gives me great pleasure like putting a smile on someone’s face…
Nothing is impossible.. I wish more donors can come forward. As a donor it’s been an incredible journey for me, never had any complications, should they be I was always assured that they are a phone call away but fortunately I never had any..
To you Mrs Currie thank you for always been there, without you I wouldn’t have done it. I am grateful for the opportunity you’ve given me. Thank you for everything, continue doing what you’ve done to others, our very own loving mother?. You are appreciated Jenny xxx
Matt. 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with a God all things are possible.”