About us

baby2mom was created seventeen years ago, in 2007 to provide ladies who are unable to fall pregnant with a professional, reliable egg donation agency that is sensitive to the needs of both egg donors and recipients.

We understand the frustration and heartache after repeated fertility disappointments.

baby2mom rejoices in the support we provide throughout the In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) process, for both egg donors and the parents to be.

baby2mom is an egg donation agency.

This means we help match potential egg donors with recipients.

We are not an egg donor bank at which donor eggs are stored and are immediately available.

We facilitate the egg donation process by co-ordinating the egg donation to the recipient, providing relevant information and support to both parties along their journey.

Jenny Currie

baby2mom is run by Jenny Currie,
egg donation facilitator extraordinaire.

Jenny is the founder of baby2mom and has appeared in the media on several occasions to lend her knowledge on egg donation in South Africa to the public.

You can follow her on Google +, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, connect with Jenny to get informed!

Jenny has been married to Mark for 30 years and they have an 18 year old daughter, Erin. The family are devout Christians.

What you need from your agency

Egg donation is a personal and emotional journey, so make sure you are in safe hands.

When choosing an egg donor agency you should consider:

  • Experience
    Agencies with a long history have more experience in all aspects of egg donation. baby2mom has been actively involved in egg donation programs and has facilitated close on 2,500 opportunities for conception via egg donor IVF since 2007.
  • Safety
    Egg donation is sensitive and individual privacy is of utmost importance. Strict processes are put in place to maintain the anonymity of donors and recipients. baby2mom is in full compliance with the ethical guidelines for South African egg donation agencies by signing the SASREG code of conduct and as such provides donors and recipients with legal, safe and effective egg donation services
  • Support
    The process may seem intimidating but you won’t be doing it alone. Whether you are a single person, an egg donor or a couple, baby2mom provides support and guidance so you’ll never feel alone on your journey to parenthood
  • Fertility Clinic Associations
    Your IVF program needs to be carried out by the industry’s best. baby2mom has built up a relationship of trust with South Africa’s most reputable fertility clinics to ensure that everyone involved receives the best fertility care possible
  • Efficiency
    Trying to fall pregnant can be stressful at the best of times. We have streamlined the process to make it as simple and efficient as possible. Our huge online donor database ensures that you will find your perfect match. You can browse for a potential egg donor or register as one on your pc or mobile device

Thank you, as an egg donor you are bringing light to someone’s life and as an egg recipient you are sharing that light with the world.

God with us
Praise the Saviour!
He is coming again
About us
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