Afternoon Jenny, here is my letter ?
“Umntu ngumntu ngabantu” which basically means that another person is a person through other people. The phrase really played a great role when I decide to become an egg donor. Helping others and making a difference is what I’ve been taught whilst growing up.
It’s really a great honor being a donor, as I have given hope to my egg recipient. It’s really a pleasure, to be able to fulfil a stranger’s dream in the best possible and positive way. Being choosen as an egg donor makes my heart warm.
A huge thank you must go to Baby2mom in allowing me to be a part of this amazing journey ?
Jesus’ disciples were unable to cast out a demon from a man’s son. The father explained that the demon often cast his son into fire and asked Jesus if he cans do anything.
Mark 9:23
And Jesus said to him if you can! All things are possible for one who believes.