I have donated a few times now to some people it is hard to understand why I am donating my eggs to complete strangers but for me it is the most wonderful joy I could bring to any parent. People who don’t know the struggles of infertility will never understand why there are people like us or women that do surrogacy.
We are all just women helping other women conceive. We strive each time we take a pill or we use a injection. Every day we wake up we have so much for which we can be thankful – that we are healthy and able to give the gift that so many strive to have.
With a lot of judgement and cruelty or selfishness we don’t do this for compensation, at least I know I don’t. I do this for knowing there is someone in the world who’s life is about to change and that gives me such a smile and warm feeling.
To girls starting to donate believe me it is worth everything you will be doing. Injections aren’t fun and may be painful at times but in the end you wil be grateful you made the decision to do this.