Right in the beginning of creation, in Chapter 1 of Genesis, God blessed male and female after he created them (v. 28). Then God said, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it…”. This command was repeated in verse 28.
Again God repeats this command to Noah and the team after exiting ark. The eight that remained after the worldwide flood in Genesis 7:4 are commanded to be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 8:17). In Genesis 9:1 God blessed Noah and repeats the instruction. In verse 7, the words ‘increase greatly on the earth’ accompany the multiply command.
The Hebrew word used to be fruitful is ???, which literally means to bear fruit, to cause to grow or increase (Sword 2020: ???, accessed 29 July 2020).
So when we find we are unable to be obedient to the first commandments, something in our core strikes us as broken and inadequate. The very essence of our humanness feels incomplete. This pain may not always be understood by those who accept their fertility as part of their humanity. But for those who need the help of an intervention and medical treatment, the infertile says, “Thank you God Almighty that this is possible”.
Works cited:
E Sword online app, accessed 29 July 2020.