A – KJ 3341, Port Elizabeth
Generate PDFAvailability status: | Available now in Port Elizabeth |
Race: | White |
Age: | 29 |
Hair colour: | Dark brown |
Eye colour: | Brown with some hazel |
Has children: | No |
Proven donor | Yes |
Post matric studies: | Yes |
Other physical information: | 1.65m. 65kg., thick hair |
Face shape: | Oval |
Other personal information: | South African nationality, Christian. Candidate studied cosmetology and now works at a salon as a beautician aspiring to have her own business. She loves the outdoors - hiking, beaching and being with friends. She was the only child growing up so her friends and family mean alot to her, especially her mom - she is her world. She has two loves - animals and the elderly. She has a BIG heart for helping those who cannot help themselves. She enjoys acts of service and quality time (with some touch - enjoying being a hugger). She has a big sweet tooth and a great love for food, her mom is an awesome cook! and she believes she has gained some of her gift of cooking. She is not a fussy eater, tends to be keen to try something before she says she doesn’t like it. She is married (her husband and her are High School sweethearts and besties!), he is the introvert and she is the extrovert. Non-smoker. Reason for donating: I really do love the idea of possibly being a part of something so great! I hope i said enough to help you get to know me. |
Reproduction history: | No children and proven donor resulting in a pregnancy. |
What are your views on religion and spirituality, and practiced religion? | I am a Christian. I believe that God calls us to love on one another no matter what our differences. |
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Category: Active Donor
Additional donor information
Initial information
In which town and province do you live? | Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape |
Nationality | South African |
Where were you born? | Uitenhage |
What language(s) do you speak? | English and Afrikaans |
Year of birth | 1995 |
Age | 29 |
Star sign | Aries |
Blood group (if known) | Unknown |
Why do you want to be an egg donor and if you had a message for your recipient what would it be? | In my profession, I speak and connect with woman every day and I have realised how common it is that woman struggle to fall preganant. So one of the reasons I wanted to do this is because I want to help a family have what they desire. To even be a small part of that would be so amazing! My message to the recipient would be: I really hope my small act can change your life in a really big way! |
How do you best describe yourself? | I am a extrovert with a funky personality, I'm loud when I need to be and soft and gentle when I need to be. I can honestly say I love meeting new people and spending time with my close friends and family. Some weekends Im up for a chilled day in bed with series and the next I can be hiking or having a braai with friends. I'm super relaxed, but I also like to plan. My house has spots for everything and is 80% of the time neat (always ready for someone to stop by haha). My hubby and I are always making goals and plans, as soon as we achieve them, we make new ones and we love it. I have never been extremely book smart but I can sure say i'm people/ life smart. I learn from those around me. My biggest motto in life is: Be kind, even if someone doesnt agree with your views, if you show kindness towards them, there is more than likely to be some common ground. |
Relationship status | Married |
Physical profile
Race | White/ Caucasian |
Skin complexion | Olive |
Face shape | oval |
Nose shape defined by Wikipedia | Greek - perfect straight nose |
Eye shape | Round Almond |
Height in metres | |
Weight in kilograms | |
What is your usual or ideal weight? | |
Build and body shape | Tall and thin, not skinny - just thin |
Which body part is most sensitive to weight gain or loss? | My face |
Eye colour | Brown |
Natural hair colour | Brown |
Hair colour as a child | |
Hair type | Wavy |
Hair texture | Thick |
Description of hands and fingers | I have long fingers and a longer wide nail bed, I do have very femanine hands |
Any other defining traits such as breast cup, size shoe size, freckles, dimples, etc | 32B breast size, size 6 shoe (sometimes a 5), no freckles. |
Are you left handed or right handed? | Right handed |
With celebrity do you most resemble - physically? | |
How many siblings do you have? |
Reproductive information
Are you a virgin? | No |
Ever miscarried? | |
No. of children | |
Fertility issues | None |
Health of egg donor
Are you a twin? | No |
Are you adopted? | No |
Current health status lifestyle and/ or current diseases | Healthy |
Smoker | never smoked |
Alcohol consumption per week. | 2 glasses a week - sometimes none |
Do you wear glasses? | Since Early Adulthood |
How would you rate your sight? | Very good - its just for computers and TV that I wear glasses |
Any skin disorders, albinism, ectodermal dysplasia, eczema, acne, etc | None |
Have you suffered from/ currently have any health concerns/ diseases including but not limited to diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid, haemophilia, blood clotting, paralysis, porphyria? | None of which I am aware. |
Have you had any cancer? | No |
Have you had any heart problems? | No |
Please indicate if you have any allergies | None |
Any mental or psychological diseases/ learning disorders including but not limited to genetic depression, bi polar, psychiatric illness etc. Please elaborate and indicate if genetic. | None |
Any physical handicaps or deformaties? If yes, please state. | None |
Do you have any genetic diseases or are a carrier of any genetic concerns including but not limited to thalassemia, cystic fibrosis and sickle cell? | My mom has a thyroid problem but no one else in the family has such challenges. |
History of asthma | No |
Indicate any medication you are taking and reason for it. | I get seasonal sinus, so I take something for that when needed. |
Have you ever been addicted to any substances? | No |
Have you partaken in any recreational drugs had tattoos or piercings in the last six months? Please explain. | None |
Details of any operations? | As previously mentioned - last year Jan I went for a small procedure for HPV |
Are there any health issues of which you are aware that may be of concern for you to become an egg donor? If yes, please state. | None |
Any specific diet such as vegan, vegetarian, health conscious, low fat, etc. | I try and cut out gluten as much as possible as it makes me bloat |
How often do you excercise? | A few times a week |
In which exercises or sports do you partake now? | Running and basic home work outs |
Have you excelled in any sports? | I was really good at athletics, received prizes for running |
What sports did you play at school? | Hockey and tennis |
Professional and academic information
Occupation | Beautician |
What is your ideal career/ occupation? | If my parents could of sent me to university I would of studied Physio / Bio kinetics |
What are you doing to get to your desired profession in life? | I have been saving up so I can go on courses |
Do you have a matric and university exemption? | Matric and Exemption |
Subjects and grades or marks at school | English Home Language, Afrikaans Second Language, Business Studies, Geography, Biology, Art, Maths |
What is the name of any course / degree completed? | Cosmetology |
Planned studies | Bio Kinetics/ Physio |
In what aspects do you have a keen interest? | The Human Body |
What type of books do you like to read? | Fiction, Non-fiction |
Would you prefer to read the book or watch the movie? | Watch the Movie |
Do you know if your IQ was ever tested and the score please? | No |
Behavioural traits
What is most important in life to you? | Family and obtaining goals to be comfortable in life so we can one day help our parents |
If you had unlimited resources and could save one thing on earth what would it be? | Nature - the environment (clean sanitation etc - good health for humanity ) |
What are your views on religion and spirituality, and practiced religion? | I am a Christian. I believe that God calls us to love on one another no matter what our differences. |
Childhood religion? | Christian |
Any specific achievements or aspects of recognition in your family | None |
Interests and hobbies | Anything creative, running, hiking, spending time at the animal shelter, baking |
What is your preferred holiday? | |
If you were offered an all-inclusive holiday, what would it be? | |
Which interesting places have you visited? | |
What are your feelings on animal welfare? | My dogs are like my children, they are so super spoilt |
Strength and weaknesses | Strengths - cooking/ baking, talking to strangers, spontaneous; weaknesses - I can sometimes over think something, because i want to get it right the first time |
What do others generally think of you? | My friends and family know that I am a reliable person, if you phone, I will answer and be there in seconds to help. |
Favourite flower | Lily |
What is your favourite meal? | Lasagna or Cous Cous Salad |
What is your favourite movie? | I LOVE movies so its a hard one. I dont like Horrors, I’m also happy with other genres. |
What is your favourite book? | The Purpose Driven Life - Rick Warren |
Who is your favourite actor? | Johnny Depp |
Who is your favourite actress? | Meryl Streep |
What is your favourite colour? | Dark Red |
What is your favourite colour lipstick? | Nude or a good Red |
What is your favourite perfume? | Nothing too sweet smelling - Black Opium is really nice, I try to change it up every few months |
Who is your favourite person? | My mother (even my husband knows that) |
Are you more introverted or extroverted? | Extroverted |
Would you prefer to go out with friends or stay in with a loved one or book? | Depends on the situation |
Are you musical or played any musical instruments? | I played the saxaphone and I love to sing (but dont have a perfect voice haha) |
Are you more cultural or more adventurous? | Bit of Both - depending on Situation |
Do you prefer indoors or outdoors? | Outdoors |
Which weather do you prefer? | |
Are you more creative or analytical? |
Family information of genetic parents
Nationality for mother and father | Both South African |
Country of origin and ancestry for mother and father | Both South African |
Language spoken for mother and father | Both Afrikaans and English |
Professions for mother and father | Mom - sales and service in the motor industry, dad - panel beater and car mechanic |
Achievements on an academic level for mother and father | Both completed their matric and did courses for their jobs |
Race for mother and father | Both white |
Natural hair colour for mother and father | Mom - dark brown, dad - brown |
Eye colour for mother and father | Both hazel |
Height for mother and father | Mom - 1.67m., dad - 1.7m. |
Mother and father build | They both have a healthy BMI |
Any specific defining traits for both parents | Both olive skinned and really healthy hair |
Are your parents still alive? | Yes to Both |
If deceased, cause of death | Not applicable |
Age (if living, or age deceased) | Mom - 49, dad - 52 |
Health status | My mother has colon issues, but that is because of the overuse of laxatives in her younger days, my father is in good health |
Please indicate if any twins in your family and the relationship to you | Cousins (but they assume its because my aunt had IVF) |
Please list any family members who have had cancer including aunts or uncles and on which family side | MGM |
Any fertility problems in your family | None |
In your family, has anyone suffered from/ currently have any health concerns/ diseases including but not limited to diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, thyroid, haemophilia, blood clotting, paralysis, porphyria, heart problems? | My mom has a underactive thyroid and my dad has bad indigestion (heart burn) but he isn’t the healthiest eater |
In your family, does anyone have any genetic diseases or are a carrier of any genetic concerns including but not limited to thalassemia, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell, tay sachs? | No |
Any mental or psychological disease or learning disability or learning disorders including genetic depression, bi polar, psychiatric illness in siblings or family? If yes, please state | No |
Any physical deformaties or handicaps? If yes, please state | No |
History of asthma | Only my mother |
Any skin disorders, albinism, ectodermal dyslasia or other in your family – please explain | No |
Any other comments regaring any health aspects in your family | My mother had ashma and was born prem because her mother was abusing alcohol while she was pregnant. |
Alcoholism / substance abuse | Only my mother |
Grandmothers still alive? | No to Both |
If deceased, state cause of death | MGM - burst ulcer, PGM - old age |
Current age or age of death | MGM - 60+, PGM - 90+ |
Grandfathers still alive? | No to Both |
If deceased, state cause of death | MGF - meningitis, PGF - old age |
Current age or age at time of death | MGM - >70 |
Grandfathers' eye colour (maternal and paternal) | MGF - hazel, PGF - brown |
Grandmothers' eye colour (maternal and paternal) | M: Hazel F Brown |
Grandfathers' hair colour (maternal and paternal) | Both light brown |
Grandmothers' hair colour (maternal and paternal) | MGM - dark brown, PGM - light brown |
Health of grandmothers (maternal and paternal) | |
Health of grandfathers (maternal and paternal) | |
Please specify if the race of your grandparents is different to yours. If mixed race, please specify race for maternal and patermal grandparents | All white |
Any genetic health or psychological concerns worth noting regarding your grandparents | My paternal grandparents are still alive and healthy (70+ years of age) |
Any notes/ comments re family of family health aspects - genetic ito psychological, physical, deformaties, diseases, concerns | None |
Egg donation stipulations
Please indicate if you have any donation conditions or criteria such as persons to whom you prefer not to donate | I dont have conditions |
Preferred town to donate | Port Elizabeth |
Towns available in which to donate - travel costs will be covered | Port Elizabeth |
I have only made myself available as an egg donor with baby2mom. | Yes |
Please advise any specific donation criteria other than those mentioned | None |
All information provided is correct and pictures are all of me. I agree to keep baby2mom updated with the donor programe (screening, blood tests, scans, egg retrieval. I will keep baby2mom updated wrt my availability and wrt egg donation pregnancies achieved. I consent to participate in the baby2mom egg donor program and participate as required and understand the concept of anonymous egg donation and claim no further rights over any child(ren) conceived of egg donation. I agree that I will be prescribed medication to potentially synchronise my menstrual cycle with that of the recipients and will be given hormones in a controlled environment by professional fertility specialists to stimulate donor egg developement. I agree to find more information pertaining to egg donation on the baby2mom egg donor site or ask if I have any further questions about being an egg donor. I agree to participate as required as people often travel from international destinations to participate in a South African egg donation program and have incurred considerable financial and emotional costs | Yes |